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Crossing multiple magnifying glasses

cecilia cornaggia

A magnifying glass.

This is one of the most prototypical images to depict the profession of researching, as research is often connected to the idea of going deeper and deeper, examining details and uncovering the most hidden aspects of reality. As a young researcher, having a multidisciplinary approach for me means remembering that there isn’t just one magnifying glass through which looking at reality, but several ones. This implies having an open mind, being humble and confronting others.

For example, through my activity I hope to provide some useful insights as regards sustainable communities on a sociological level. However, my answers will always be partial: they need to be integrated with economic, anthropological and geographical elements, and to be confirmed in other contexts, too. In other words, they need the contribution of other people, with a different background and culture.

That is why an international multidisciplinary platform is a great opportunity. In life as in research finding explanations is not a simple job. Most likely, the answers we can build together are of a much better quality than the ones each of us can provide alone.